Content Calendars: the Road Map to Success
Jul 31, 2019 | Kristen Nelson - Doximity Director of Client Success
Kristen Nelson is a Doximity Hospital Solutions Client Success Manager who has been in healthcare marketing for over ten years and currently manages several flagship accounts, specializing in content strategy. She works with large national health systems, academic health systems, and regional hospitals.
The average physician sees 4,000 - 10,000 digital ads each day. How can you be sure that the content you’re putting out there catches the attention of the right physicians? We can tell you that planning, timing and using the right type of content are key.
Doximity’s Newsfeed sees a tremendous increase in DocNews® content ahead of the US News and World Report survey season (December - March) when every institution wants to ensure they’re staying top of mind. Of course, showcasing powerful content during this time period is important. But in order for health systems focusing on elevating brand awareness to make a true impact with physicians, developing a plan to deploy content regularly throughout the year is even more crucial. However, if you’re not prepared ahead of time, developing and pushing out content can be daunting. This is why having a strategic content plan in place is a key first step to meeting goals.
One of our clients, an academic health system in the Midwest, found great success in planning out content for their DocNews® and Colleague Connect® efforts. By deploying Colleague Connect® to those who interacted with a DocNews® campaign, physicians were much more likely to interact, resulting in up to a 33% impression rate and a 30% view rate.
When clients partner with Doximity, a content calendar is created to optimize their strategy and work towards achieving the year’s goals, such as brand awareness or patient referrals. Typically this process begins with a review of all existing content and determining whether new content needs to be developed. Once the key pieces of brand content are determined, the team works together to outline the timing of DocNews® and Colleague Connect® outreach as well as the best physician audience to reach. An important piece of the puzzle is liaising with the Doximity data team to layer on the best times to reach certain specialists. Reaching physicians at optimal days/times achieves better results. Clients who follow their outlined content calendar not only get in front of their audience on a regular basis, and stay top of mind with physicians, but with retargeting, capture an engaged audience showing interest in their content.
Creating and following a plan is an essential first step to achieve marketing goals. With a strategic approach to consistent timing, content selection, targeting, and retargeting, hospitals are more likely to have a positive impact on their brand awareness and reputation with physicians.
To learn more about what strategy might be best for your health system, contact us.