
3 Telehealth Takeaways for Hospital Marketers

Insights from Doximity's State of Telemedicine Report

Jul 26, 2024 | Kate Domin - Doximity Marketing Manager

While telehealth might not be top-of-mind for some healthcare marketers, telehealth solutions are crucial for clinical productivity and patient satisfaction. We wanted to dive into telehealth insights and share some of the key takeaways for marketers.  

Think back to 2019. Healthcare systems and providers were getting acquainted with and implementing digital solutions like telehealth. Incrementally, more and more patients and providers began realizing the benefits. Then, one year later, COVID-19 hit. And nobody could have foreseen the ensuing ubiquity of telehealth. In 2022, telehealth reached the 80% adoption mark among patients, becoming the preferred channel for prescription care and minor illnesses. 

Not incorporating telehealth into your care model is no longer an option, it’s table stakes. “Health systems that do not fully embrace telehealth risk losing out in what’s becoming an increasingly competitive market to acquire and retain patients,” says Dr. Amit Phull, Doximity Chief Physician Experience Officer and Emergency Medicine Physician at Northwestern Medicine, “Offering a virtual care option should be a key component of every health system’s long-term strategy.”

Telemedicine has:

Increased Access to Care 

Telehealth breaks down geographical barriers, ensuring patients in remote areas receive care, including during adverse weather conditions. But, many patients also rate telehealth visits as more convenient and faster. Seventy percent of patients Doximity surveyed indicated they may be more likely to consult with a doctor for non-emergency cases if the visit could be conducted virtually. Not only does telehealth increase access among populations that may have faced barriers to care, it also empowers all patients to access more convenient and efficient care. 

Boosted Clinician Productivity 

Doximity research shows that telehealth enables efficient schedule management and provides clinicians with increased autonomy and work-life balance. In our 2023 State of Telemedicine Report, two-thirds of physicians reported experiencing at least one time management benefit with telemedicine, which is especially impactful considering the physician shortage and burnout issue. Not to mention that 61% of physicians reported a reduction in their no-show rates as a result of telemedicine, which saves time and money.

Increased Patient Satisfaction and Treatment Adherence 

In the report, 85% of patients with a telemedicine visit in the prior year reported equivalent or superior quality of care, with the majority reporting increased satisfaction. And, over 70% of physicians surveyed indicated equivalent or increased patient adherence to treatment plans with virtual care. 

3 Key Takeaways for Marketers:

  • Promote Accessibility: Telehealth ensures uninterrupted care, improving patient loyalty and physician productivity. Promote these advantages for populations that might experience barriers to care and those that value convenience.

  • Leverage data: Use success stories to show telehealth’s impact. For example, The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) showcased how they effectively used telehealth during a severe winter storm to avoid disruptions in care.

  • Educate: Ensure your physician and patient audiences understand telehealth’s full potential and how your organization is leveraging telehealth to supplement other care modalities. 

Telehealth isn’t just a trend—it’s a critical component of modern healthcare. Understanding and promoting its value can significantly impact patient care and clinician productivity. For more telehealth insights, read the 2023 Doximity State of Telehealth Report