
Four Ways to Use ChatGPT in Healthcare Marketing

Apr 27, 2023 | Kate Domin - Doximity Marketing Manager

ChatGPT, a sophisticated chatbot that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to generate human-like responses to a prompt, took the world by storm earlier this year. Across almost every industry, professionals are exploring ways generative AI can enhance or assist their businesses. 

The healthcare industry, in particular, is actively exploring the possibilities of using generative AI to enhance productivity and improve patient care. Some physicians are forecasting a world where generative AI could streamline note-taking, prescription analysis, patient follow-up questions, and more. Doximity recently launched its own generative AI tool for medical professionals, DocsGPT, which helps physicians and care teams streamline time-consuming administrative tasks, such as writing appeal letters to insurance companies. 

What’s so unique about ChatGPT is its accessibility. It’s not that generative AI is newin fact, companies have been building AI-powered healthcare solutions for years. But, what was previously limited in access is now available to the general public since OpenAI made their generative AI technology available to any internet user via the free chatbot interface. Now, the highly versatile and adaptable tool can be leveraged to support marketing objectives. Here are four ways you can use ChatGPT to support your own marketing goals.   

1. Strengthen your user personas. 

ChatGPT is adept at assuming personas. Based on information you provide, ChatGPT can embody an ideal physician audience that you can engage in interactive dialogue. For example, you could have ChatGPT assume the role of a new oncologist at your hospital who has questions on how the marketing team can support their transition and onboarding. Similarly, consider having ChatGPT pose as a cardiologist from a local independent clinic and see what questions they could have on the new cardiac clinical trial you’re promoting. Think outside of the box and tap into the true generative power of ChatGPT to engage with different perspectives easily. 

2. Brainstorm content ideas.

As marketers, we’re always looking for new content ideas. Give ChatGPT context around your goals and initiatives and ask it to help generate new angles for sharing the exciting information coming out of your organization. While it might seem intuitive to then ask ChatGPT to write a blog post on that topic, keep in mind there could be intellectual property challenges with having ChatGPT write content. Since it was trained on publicly available text data, it raises concerns on how to cite the source(s) properly. And, there have been instances where ChatGPT has referenced inaccurate information. That’s why brainstorming, developing insightful interview questions, or providing counter arguments is a better use of the tool. 

3. Iterate on headlines, subject lines, and taglines.

You’ve got a great idea and an amazing piece of content. The last step: a headline that drives clicks. Ask ChatGPT to generate options for you to choose from. Remember, ChatGPT gets better and more precise as you give it additional context to consider. Specify your audience, platform, and goals to optimize its suggestions. 

4. Make yourself look even better.

If you’re preparing for a presentation or high-level conversation, use ChatGPT to help prepare. Define your role, the presentation topic, and the audience and ask what questions you should expect. This helps you identify any missing information or areas where you can preemptively clarify. Whether it’s a presentation to your C-Suite or a physician education seminar, ChatGPT can adapt to be the sounding board you need to ace the presentation. Remember that ChatGPT does store data, so be cautious when working on presentations with confidential or proprietary information. Consider generalizing or anonymizing your inputs when possible.

Illustration by April Brust.