
New Features Physicians Love on Doximity

Nov 22, 2023 | Kate Domin - Doximity Marketing Manager

Doximity is built for physicians by physicians. It’s why, aside from the iPhone, clinicians have never adopted a piece of technology faster than Doximity. While you’re probably pretty familiar with the core functionality of Doximity, you might not know that we have teams of dedicated engineers who are constantly working on product improvements and enhancements to make clinicians’ lives easier. We source feedback directly from clinicians at our annual Medical Advisory Board and incorporate those suggestions into our product roadmap. 


Since Doximity is a closed, credentialed platform, it can be more challenging for non-clinicians to stay up-to-date on these innovative, time-saving features. So, we’re recapping some of the recent product updates that have physicians buzzing. 


A recent Doximity poll of over 2,000 physicians found that 85% are concerned about patients finding their personal information online, and 35% said this has already happened to them. DocDefender is an exclusive, free privacy service designed to help solve this problem. This service, available only to Doximity physician members, aims to protect healthcare professionals by removing personal details from public websites and people finder platforms, like home addresses and phone numbers. Physicians can maintain control over sharing private contact information and shield themselves from potential threats like identity theft and spam. To use DocDefender, members verify their age, home city, and email address. The service then handles scanning and removal requests from 35 prominent people finder sites, providing progress updates as the targeted sites eliminate the data.

Doximity GPT 

Generative AI has taken the world by storm. There are applications in almost every single industry, including healthcare marketing. Doximity developed HIPAA-compliant Doximity GPT that runs on GPT-4, OpenAI’s most advanced LLM engine, for physicians. The tool is pre-loaded with an extensive prompt library. Physicians can easily draft time-consuming insurance documents like preauthorization letters or letters of medical necessity. The tool can also support charting, patient education, professional correspondence, and more. Physicians can even send a fax directly from Doximity GPT. Physician users are loving this tool, with Dr. Loh sharing on LinkedIn “With all of the hype and legitimate concerns we have about generative AI and large language models in healthcare, Doximity is demonstrating how this innovative technology can be an extraordinarily valuable part of the clinician’s toolkit to save our time and simultaneously improve care of our patient. Well done…and this is early days. The possibilities and applications are truly revolutionary.” 

Hold for Me 

Another seemingly simple but genuinely transformative update that Doximity engineers launched earlier this year is Hold for Me. This feature within Doximity Dialer allows doctors to never wait on hold again, with insurance agencies, patients, or anyone else. It alerts physicians when a human has joined the call, freeing up that valuable time that would otherwise be spent waiting (and likely listening to hold music).

These are just a few of the recent product updates that Doximity has been working on to save physicians time and make their lives easier. The proof is in the pudding – physicians love these features and keep coming back to the tool that makes them more productive. As you think about engaging physicians on the platform, it’s helpful to remember the context in which physicians spend time on Doximity. Often, they’re in a productive work state, so we recommend keeping your content clinical, relevant, and brief. For more content development tips, check out Cracking the Code to Physician-Centric Content.